Iron Man Coming to Hong Kong Disneyland!!

HongKong-Disneyland-Iron-Man-ExperienceHongKong-Disneyland-Iron-Man-Experience4Disney Parks announced at the D23 Expo this year that Iron Man is coming to Hong Kong Disneyland in 2016. They also gave more info on the new attraction coming to Hong Kong Disneyland. The attraction is called Iron Man Experience.

Iron Man Experience will take you on an adventure against the forces of evil over the streets and in the sky above Hong Kong. You will also be able to meet with Iron Man and get a picture with him.


This attraction will be located in Tomorrowland at the new Stark Expo that showcases new and exciting technologies coming soon from Stark Industries. You will also be able to learn the history of Stark Industries from the past up to now.

The attraction will be similar to Star Tours. You will board the “Iron Wing” and go for a flight to the new Hong Kong Stark Tower, where you  fight alongside Iron Man against Hydra.

Iron Man Experience opens in 2016. What do you think will be your favorite part of this attraction? Mine is being able to meet Iron Man in person.HongKong-Disneyland-Iron-Man-Experience2

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